Explanation of my Entertainment

I’ve run into some people lately who have confronted me about my beliefs and why I watch the shows I watch. For those who don’t know, I’m a Torah-Keeper, which basically means that I live by the instructions Yehovah gave his people of Israel in the first five books of the Bible, including the ten commandments. Now, I understand why many would be confused on why I would watch shows like Firefly, Death Note, and Madoka Magica; and play games such as Skyrim. Many of the themes of these shows, western entertainment or anime, conflict with the instructions of Torah. So when people ask me why I watch these shows and movies, I say this:
I believe entertainment is a great resource to study the good and bad of the world without actually becoming a part of it. It gives me the chance to discern and find the truth of the matter, before having to confront it in real life.
Also, people have asked me about the magic aspect of shows I watch, such as Madoka Magica, Lord of the Rings, and Avengers (specifically Thor). I would like to point out that most magic is really just science that we do not understand yet. Most of the shows I watch point out this fact. But I also watch other shows, such as Death Note, that make the point that it is magic and comes from a supernatural force; yet I still watch it because it shows that the magic is harmful, not helpful; showing its true colors. I try to stay away from anything that supports magic or power that comes from anything other than Yehovah.
In conclusion, I find that studying the world Yehovah has made and comparing it to Torah via entertainment is very rewarding. It allows me to be able to find my principles and stand by them; lets me find truth and come to conclusions on difficult moral issues. This is my current conviction and reasoning on this matter. Please feel free to discuss it with me. Thank you for reading.

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